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Creation stories from all around the world all share common roots and are similar to the biblical Adam & Eve. Mankind is made from either dust, dirt, or clay from the ground and fused together by a divine being. This page will grow in size with time, as I am adding more stories to it.Our modern world has created a new kind of religion. It is called "evolution". Evolution declares how life came into existance. The evolution theory sure is religious. For there is no real scientific proof there has been some way of evolution. Evolutionists themselves even admit this. Still most people accept it as "the truth". I wonder why old nations and forgotten tribes all around the world knew for sure there once was creation. And a Creator. Let's read some examples. Pay attention to the details which we can find back in Genesis!
The Delaware tribes of the US have their holy book called Walam Olum. This book describes the history of the tribe from their origin till the coming of the white men in America. The story starts with a big nothing. In this nothing lives the Creator. And, as his name does suspect, he is creating land, water, firmament and anything else. He makes human beings too and gives them soules.
It is a peaceful time. But the coming of a big snake changes everything. Dead and disease penetrates the world.The first one who was, is the Creator. This is what the Hopi tribes tell. He created the first being, a goddess. Some other gods were made, each with their own part in completing creation. By singing the song of creation human beings were made after the image of the gods. They received their speech and they were told to honour their Creator for evermore. But evil came into the world and violence and diseases. So the Creator decided to destroy the world with a big flood.
Northern American stories tell about Father Earthmaker. Nobody knows where he came from. But this God discovered that things came into being when he thought of them. So he thought of light and there was light. Then he wished an earth and there was an earth. Then he started speaking and said he would make a creature like himself. So he took a piece of earth and modelled a human being. He spoke to it but there came no answer. So he gave it a spirit. But it still could not speak. Then he made a tongue. But still no answer. Then the human being got a soul. The being said something but the Creator could not understand him. So finally Earthmaker blew his breath into the mouth of the human being.
Now he could speak.In China is told how human beings were made out of yellow clay. The Miao (or: Miautso) tribes in southwestern China know about the first man created from the dirt. Of this man a woman was formed.
The Miao call the created man: Patriarch Dirt. One of his sons was Se-teh.
One of the Egyptian stories tells how a god modelled a human being out of clay on a potter's wheel. In the Sudan is known how a god made mankind out of clay.
The Shilluks of the White Nile, the Fans and the Ewe-tribes of West Africa, the Cheremiss (a Finnish people) of Russia, the Kumis in Eastern India, tribes in the Pacific, well, in fact tribes all around the world have their stories about the creation of mankind out of clay.The Australian Aborigines tell how their Ancestors made themselves out of clay. And then, by singing, all that is was created.
The Maori's of New Sealand know how the universe was once darkness with water everywhere. Then the Divinity spoke and there was light. He spoke again and waters were seperated so land could be seen.In Zaire is told how the Supreme Being felt lonely. So he made a chicken. This happened on the first day. Then he longed for a home and created the earth. This was the second day. But nobody was there to serve the Divinity. So the third day the chicken was laying 40 eggs. The fourth day out of these eggs 40 human beings came into being. The Supreme Being told them to populate the world.
The last words I'd like to show you are written in the Popol Vuh, the holy book of the Maya tribes in Meso-America. If you like more creation stories you have to look for instance in the general books with myths and legends. Sure you will find them there!
This is the account, here it is:
Now it still ripples, now it still murmurs, ripples, it still sighs, still hums, and it is empty under the sky.
Here follow the first words, the first eloquence:
There is not yet one person, one animal, bird, fish, crab, tree, rock, hollow, canyon, meadow, forest. Only the sky alone is there; the face of the earth is not clear. Only the sea alone is pooled under the sky; there is nothing whatever gathered together. It is at rest; not a single thing stirs.
It is held back, kept a rest under the sky.
Whatever there is that might be is simply not there: only the pooled water, only the calm sea, only it alone is pooled.
Whatever might be is simply not there: only murmur, ripples, in the dark, in the night. Only the Maker, Modeler alone, Sovereign Plumed Serpent, the Bearers, Begetters are in the water, a glittering light. They are there, they are enclosed in quetzal feathers, in blue-green.
Thus the name, "Plumed Serpent." They are great knowers, great thinkers in their very being.
And of course there is the sky, and there is also the Heart of Sky. This is the name of the god, as it is spoken.The gods come together and discuss about creation. Then creation is started:
And then the earth arose because of them, it was simply their word that brought it forth. For the forming of the earth they said "Earth." It arose suddenly, just like a cloud, like a mist, now forming, unfolding.
Another part of the Popol Vuh deals with the creation of mankind. The first human beings (four men only, four women would be created a little later) were made out of white and yellow corn. They were simply made and modeled. They had no mother and they had no father. And they were very special:
They were good people, handsome, with looks of the male kind. Thoughts came into existence and they gazed; their vision came all at once. Perfectly they saw, perfectly they knew everything under the sky, whenever they looked. The moment they turned around and looked around in the sky, on the earth, everything was seen without any obstruction. They didn't have to walk around before they could see what was under the sky; they just stayed where they were.
As they looked their knowledge became intense. Their sight passed through trees, through rocks, through lakes, throug seas, through mountains, through plains. They were truly gifted people.But it didn't stay this way. The gods found out they were looking to much like them:
"What should we do with them now? Their vision should at least reach nearby, they should see at least a small part of the face of the earth, but what they're saying isn't good. Aren't they merely 'works' and 'designs' in their very names? Yet they'll become as great as gods, unless they procreate, proliferate at the sowing, the dawning, unless they increase."
And so the gods change the nature of their works.
They were blinded as the face of a mirror is breathed upon. Their eyes were weakened. Now it was only when they looked nearby that things were clear.
And such was the loss of the means of understanding, along with the means of knowing everything, by the four humans.Doesn't this all sound very familiar? Not only some kind of Paradise is remembered. The fall too - in one way of another - is alive today in myths and legends. Vague memories of true history as told in Genesis.
Another tail in Australia is the one concerning Indjuwanydjuwa. The Aborigines in Australia tell of a creator being named Indjuwanydjuwa. Indjuwanydjuwa is said to have created this world. He created everything Himself. He created a man and a woman from the mud. He then told the man and woman to make more people to fill the country. This creator told the Aborigines they could eat the fruits of the plain, fish, turtles etc. It tasted good, He said.
A place and a people you wouldn't think would tell a similar creation story to the bible is the Hawaiian people. The first gods made named Ku, Kane, Lono and Kanaloa (known in Tahitian as Tu, Tane, Rongo and Tangaroa) brought the mysterious people who lived in precipices and trees and rocks. These were the invisible spirits of the air.These "gods" went over to a small island called Mokapu, and thought they would make man dominant over all other things. Mololani was the crater hill which forms the small island the sunrise side of this hill, near the sea, was the place where red dirt lay mixed with dark blue and black soil. Here Kane scratched the dirt together and made the form of a man.
Kanaloa ridiculed the mass of dirt and made a better form, but it did not have life. Kane said, "you have made a dirt image; let it become stone." Then Kane ordered Ku and Lono to carefully obey his directions. They were afraid he would kill them. At once they caught one of the spirits of the air and pushed it in the image Kane had made.
When the spirit had been pushed into the body, Kane stood by the image and called, "Hiki au-E-ola! E-ola!" (I come, live!, live!) Ku and Lono responded, "Live! live!" Then Kane called again, "I come, awake! awake!" and the other two responded, "Awake!, awake!" and the image became a living man.
Then Kane cried, "I come, arise! arise!" The other gods repeated, "Arise!, arise!" and the image stood up - a man with a living spirit. They named him Wela-ahi-lani-nui which means "The Great Heaven Burning Hot."
The gods took this man to their home and nourished him. When he became strong, he went out to walk around the home of the gods. Soon he noticed a shadow going around with his body. It walked when he walked, and rested when he rested. He wondered what this thing was, and called it "aka," or "shadow."
When the man slept, Ku, Kane, and Lono tore open his body, and Kane took out a woman, leaving Ku and Lono to heal the body. Then they put the woman by the side of the man and they were alike. Wela-ahi-lani-nui awoke and found a beautiful one lying by him, and thought: "This is that thing which has been by my side, my aka. The gods have changed it into this beautiful one." So he gave her the name "Ke-aka-huli-lani"(The-Heaven-Changed-Shadow). These were the ancestors of the Hawaiians and all the peoples of the islands of the great ocean.
It must be remembered that there are many other Hawaiian legends which mention other first men and women as ancestors of the Hawaiian people. One cannot deny the similarities between these example creation stories and the biblical Adam and Eve story. There are many other stories all over the world which run parallel to the biblical Adam & Eve story.
The "Little people" or the Menehune/aliens/angels (of ancient Hawaii) are attributed to building the Menehune Ditch in Waimea, which indicates a knowledge of stone work not seen anywhere else in the islands. They also built the Alakoko Fishpond also called the Menehune Fishpond, outside Lihue and near Nawiliwili Harbor. REFERENCE; "Myths and Legends of Hawaii", by W.D. Westervelt.
The Flood Stories
From Asia, Australia, North America, South East Asia, all over the world stories are told of a great flood. It usually starts out by somebody doing something wrong. Then humanity is punished by the way of a flood. Despite some differences, all these versions appear to have a common root.
The biblical story probably derives from a northern Mesopotamian variant of the same story. Many people reading the bible are not aware that similar stories of a flood are told by different cultures all over the world.
The biblical flood story is structurally similar to the Mesopotamian accounts: the Sumerian version, Akkadian versions in the Atra-hasis and Gilgamesh epics, and the late Greek version by Berossus.
The Bible
In the biblical story of Noah and the flood, man has become sinful and corrupt. God tells Noah to build an ark and to fill it with pairs of all living creatures on earth. God then causes it to rain for fourty days and fourty nights, flooding the earth, destroying all flesh. A new start is then made
The Sumerian-Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh gives a more detailed account of an ark and a deluge. This story predates the bible. The story of Noah was borrowed from Sumerian stories. Utnapishtim, the survivor of th flood in the Gilgamesh epic, recounts in detail the building of a boat in the form of a perfect cube, and gives a vivid picture of the effects of the flood. He tells how, as the waters finally subsided, he sent out a dove, a swallow and a raven to reconnoitre the ground and how he then emerged to offer a sacrifice.
Sumerian Flood
This story survives in three main versions, whose basic features show derivation from a common prototype. Humanity seriously offends the gods, and is punished at the instigation of the deity Enlil by a flood intended to wipe out the race. However, one man and his family are spared by the intervention of the god Enki or Ea to make a fresh start for humankind.
The Sumerian deluge story survives only in a fragmentary state but it is clearly the origin of all the later Mesopotamian versions.
The biblical writers, however, used the ancient traditions as a vehicle for their own distinctive beliefs, presenting the Deluge as God's punishment for sin.
In Austrailia several peoples (Aborigines) in Australia, especially in the tropical northern coastal region of Australia, tell of a great flood which swept away the previous landscape and society.
The Aztec story states that the continueing conflict between the deities associated with each of the four quarters of the universe has entailed a series of cataclysms. The first era ended with the world being consumed by jaguars, the second was destroyed by a great hurricane, the third by fire and the fourth by a flood; we are now in the fifth world, which is destined to be devastated by earthquakes.
The Chewong people of the Malayan tropical forest
The Chewong people, like others in Southeast Asia subscribe to the idea of a multi-layered universe, believe that every so often their own world, which they call Earth Seven, turns upside down, so that everything on it is drowned or destroyed. However, through the agency of the creator god Tohan, the flat new surface of what had previously been the underside of Earth Seven is moulded into mountains, valleys and plains. New trees are planted, and new humans brought into being.
The overturning of the world is not the only story of cosmic disaster related among the Chewong. Catastrophe can also occur through floods caused when someone commits the cardinal sin of laughing at animals.
Told by the Yao people of southern China focusses on a man who catches the Thunder God responsible for a global inundation. The captive escapes by appealing to the man's children, a boy and a girl, whom he rewards by giving them a tooth which grows into an enormous gourd. Now that the god is free again, the flood returns, soon covering the entire earth. The man floats up to the sky in a specially constructed boat and persuades the LLord of Heaven to order the Thunder God to stop the inundation. This happens so suddenly that the man is killed when his boat hits the ground, whereas his two children survive
inside their gourd. This pair are the only survivers of the global flood. They marry, and the girl gives birth to a "ball of flesh". They slice this ball into pieces and mount the ladder leading up to heaven. A gust of wind carries the pieces of flesh to the four corners of the earth, where they become people and the world is repopulated.
Zeus sends a great inundation to punish humanity for the misdeeds of the Titan Prometheus. Deucalion, the son of Prometheus, builds an ark and survives with his wife Pyrrha to repopulate the earth.
The Hopi Indians
The Hopi people say that the first world was destroyed as a punishment for human misdemeanours, by an all-consuming fire that came from above and below. The second world ended when the terrestrial globe toppled from its axis and everything was covered with ice. The third world ended in a universal flood. The present world is the fourth; its fate will depend on whether or not its inhabitants behave in accordance with the Creator's plans.
In India there is the story of "Manu," the first man, earns the gratitude of a little fish which he saves from being eaten by larger ones. Later, the fish, which has grown to enormous size, warns Manu of a coming cosmic deluge and instructs him on how to build a ship and stock it with "the seed of all things". The gigantic fish then tows the laden vessel to safety.
In Mexico there is a native ledgend that says all the world was destroyed by a great flood. All for one man , his wife and family, who sailed in a boat filled with animals and seeds of all kind which they used to replenish the earth.
The Tower of Babel
The Alaskan Eskimos, ancient Egyptians, Japanese, and South Americans all tell us that their anscestors either were transported by their gods or their gods taught them their languages or writing.
According to Genesis (Chapter 11) Mankind "had one language and one kind of words" before Sumer was settled. But as a result of the Tower of Babel incident, Yahweh, who had come down to see what was going on, said to (unnamed) colleagues: "Behold, they are one people and they all have one tongue. . . . Let us descend and confound there their tongue so that they may not understand each other's speech." We see a divide and conquer tact here, as mentioned before in a previous chapter..
Modern western people have lost their past. We read our Bible and we criticize it. We say the story of building the tower and the confusion of Babel cannot be historical. It must have been written in the years of king Nebuchadnezzar, we suppose. The big tower of Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon inspired the Jews to write their Genesis 11.
But then why do we find so many stories about tower building and birth of languages all around the world? Coincidence? Mission results? Or an event all nations once experienced?
Let's travel around our planet and listen to the voice of old and sometimes forgotten tribes.
Broken clay fragments of the old Sumerians gave a song in which was told about a period everyone spoke in one language or tongue. Although translators do have some different view (some place the period in the past, others in the future), it is remarkable such an old country knew about the possibility of one speech.
In the 4th century the historican Harpocritio from Alexandria made a journey to Babylon. There he met an old man who told him about the building of a tower in remote times. But, the old man said, the tower was never finished. Some people were hit by fire from heaven. Others couldn't recognize each other anymore.
Jewish legends tell how God came down to earth with 70 angels. He confused the speech of mankind so they started to quarrel and left each other. One part of the tower was burned by fire. Another part sank down in the earth. The other part remained. But still every time someone passes by this ruins, he forgets all he knows.The Lozi and the Mkulwe tribes in South Eastern Africa both know about climbing to heaven by piling up trees. The first tried to reach heaven, the second the moon. But in both cases the people failed in their attempt and the structure collapsed.
The Lolo tribe from Western China remembered a tower was build for fear of a new flood. The Chin people in South East Asia know how once all man lived in one village and spoke one language. Then they tried to reach the moon by building a wooden structure. The building became so high and got so many floors builders became isolated from each other. This caused the development of new languages.
But the moonspirit became angry and sent down a huge storm. The building collapsed and man were scattered.The Miao tribes of southwestern China know about building a big city with a high tower. But God struck at them and changed their language and accent. In despair mankind separated under all heaven, encircling the globe. (Which is a very important note, because when the Miao were discovered, they didn't know anything about a round world!)
On Tahiti is told of a man and a woman who survived a big flood. They found safety on a mountain. But as soon as the water was gone, a big storm terrorized earth. It started raining stones and trees! No building in this story. No confusion of tongues. Just two people who survived the flood and became the elders of all human beings. But note the strange kind of storm soon after the flood!
The Guarani tribe in Paraguay remembered how they once lived in a mysterious land at the other side of the sea. Two brothers - the ancestors of the Guarani - took their people to their new country. In Brasilia we find the Caraja and Javaeh tribes. These men survived a flood but became soon afterwards in big trouble. There was not enough drinking-water. So they dicided to scatter and each group took his own language. Could the name Javaeh be a derivation from Japheth, the son of Noah?
The Tinglits of Alaska tell how they once survived a worldwide deluge in a big floating ark. When the water sank the ark grounded on a mountain and broke in two pieces. And this, the Tinglits say, is the cause of the diversity of languages.
The Tsimshian tribe of British Columbia told how after the flood mankind was terrorized by fire. One of their other stories tells how they scattered after the flood in their drifting boats.
The Pueblo people of Soutwestern US are talking about survivors of a huge flood. When the waters are gone, they scatter and go looking for the sunrise. Those who will find the sun will warn the others. White people first see the sun rising. They are warning the other tribes by a big star shower.
The Toltecs of Meso-America remembered the building of a temple. Its destination was heaven. But the gods became angry and threw down fire and a stone. The Maya people told how all tribes dwelt in the East. They were living in darkness and were waiting for the sun. There they heard all kind of different languages. And there, waiting for the dawn, they saw the rising of the morningstar, the big star Venus.
There, too, they looked toward the east, watching closely for the daybringer, the great star at the birth of the sun, of the heat for what is under the sky, on the earth, the guide for the human work, the human design.
More will be added soon......